Structural Engineers’ Reports – which type do you need?

A Structural Engineers’ Report inspects the structural skeletal of a building, mainly the walls to check for significant cracks, movement and subsidence etc. We offer two types of structural reports for our clients, lenders, and general surveyors, depending on their requirements.

Different Structural Engineers’ Reports and which type do you need?

Different Structural Engineers’ ReportsA Structural Engineers’ Report inspects the structural condition of a building. We offer two types of structural reports for our clients, lenders, and general surveyors, depending on their requirements.

A Structural Engineer’s report is more specialised than a surveyor’s report. Most structural engineering reports are commissioned when there are concerns about cracking or movement in a building as these could indicate a structural problem, such as damage to the foundations and should be inspected by a professional, fully qualified Structural Engineer.

Our reports are for clients buying a property but we are also instructed by homeowners who want a report before putting their house on the market, or simply need peace of mind.

We offer two types of structural reports. The first is a GENERAL MOVEMENT REPORT which is a comprehensive inspection of all the main loadbearing walls inside and out, to judge the overall structural soundness of the building from a cracking and movement point of view.

The second is a DEFECT INSPECTION REPORT. This is for assessing a specific issue and therefore costs less than a more extensive General Movement Report. This is also known as a Specific Structural Inspection or SSI for short.

All our reports are carried out by one of our fully qualified, professional Chartered Structural Engineer C Eng MIStructE, which is required by institutional lenders and insurance companies.

If you need a structural Engineers’ report then please get in touch. We’ll work closely with you to provide a structural report and comprehensive advice on the best course of action.

Call us now on 020 8161 9900 for more help and information.